February 29, 2008

Government No Fly List at 1 million

Guardian-UK:War on Terror is Bogus

Ever since the US orchestrated the 911 event, they have used it as an excuse for 'increased security to protect us', suspending habeus corpus, invading foreign lands, and spying on its own citizens. This process will escalate towards even more inconvenience, more loss of liberties, and more restriction over law abiding citiens.

The problem is there is NO recourse once your name gets on the no fly list.
Picture this, you're rejected from getting on a flight for unknown reasons... What do you do then? (Keep in mind, there are many instances of incorrect identification, people with the same names, and other arbitrary confusing insanities).

This is also headed towards train transportation as well.

ACLU says 1,000,000 is absurd. So do I!

Nobel Laureate Say War is $3 Trillion

Let's see. I have that right here.
We don't torture people, we don't torture people, we don't
Spied on Americans: Bush says 'Suck it up!'

Generals Will Quit

If we go to IRAN, then we quit!

February 28, 2008

Trump Tells Bush to Hide

Please listen George, Please Listen!

We're #1.. We're #1!

in inPrisoning Citizens

We're the good guys?

Warning. Very graphic!
This is what we do to Iraq prisoners?
Oh yes, and it costs $3 TRILLION

Up to 70% of US aid to Pakistan 'misspent'
America's massive military aid package to Pakistan has come under scrutiny after allegations that as much as 70% of $5.4bn in assistance has been misspent.

This ought to be very comforting to Americans as we fill out our tax forms and get ready to fork over our tax dollars, only to find that they had been almost completely squandered with regard to this country's aid to Pakistan..

Way to go, Bush Administration!

I need an aspirin!

School Shootings

Continue to look for School Shooting PATTERNS
Los Angeles

John McCain. Unbelieveable.

Responsible for 168 deaths on USS Forrester

Still no explanation

6 Nukes still unexplained

February 26, 2008

Iraq: Legal Or Illegal?

Let's Find Out Together

What's a crime against humanity?

February 20, 2008

Willie knows best

911 towers were purposely demolished

February 19, 2008

FBI 'accidentally' taps ALL the emails

ooops FBI makes 'human' error

What a relief! This makes me feel MUCH better!
Israelis 30 times more likely to be wiretapped than Americans

Apparent Suicide - No Foul Play

Scientology Cult Investigator 'Found Dead'

When they say "No Foul Play", they mean "Foul Play",
When they say apparent suicide, they mean "Apparent Murder", but we know you don't care, so keep movin.. nothing to see here

Is 50 Million Deaths a lot?
Mandated conventional medicines..

oops. FDA said it approved the wrong drug....

Police Increase Use of Force Across US

Americans, dumb and dumber

Americans hostile to knowledge
Feb 2008: College Students Interviewed On Presidents Day
Michael Moore: Dumbest people on the planet
Too much learning can be a dangerous thing!
Britons just as dumb

We had to have the garage door repaired. The repairman told us that one of our problems was that we did not have a "large" enough motor on the opener. I thought for a minute, and said that we had the largest one Sears made at that time, a 1/2 horsepower. He shook his head and said, "Lady, you need a 1/4 horsepower." I responded that 1/2 was larger than 1/4. He said, "NO, it's not." Four is larger than two.." (contribution Steve Oakley)

February 15, 2008

Just Shut Up

Just Shut Up
Brainwashed America
Main Stream Media Brainwashes America
MKUltra Victim A
MKUltra Victim B
MKUltra Victim C
The lost Kristol Tape
Disgusting McCain now votes torture

Yes, another lone, crazed gunman

Illinois School Shooting leaves 6 dead, 16 wounded
Even though, these shooting events are eerily the same as Virginia Tech and others, the media wants you think they are copy cats. The shooter ALWAYS conveniently kills himself.

And look at the timing. It just happens to be on the SAME day a landmark 2nd amendment case is in progress. How bout that?
Olbermann calls Bush a Fascist
Bush cries wolf too many times
Coincidences..dots? There are no dots.

Now you see it, now you don't

Bush hides economic data
Miers/Bolton Held in Contempt of Congress
I see nothing. This didn't happen
Is 2.3 Trillion a lot?
A century of War - Part 2
The real reason WTC7 had to come down
Mr. President I will not back down!
Bush wants limits on access to evidence
ooops. Are 22,000 deaths a lot?

February 13, 2008

Why play fair, when you don't have to

Guantanimo Confessions a Hoax
and here

4 million Iraqis struggling for food - UN
Four million Iraqis are struggling to feed themselves, and 40 per cent of the country's 27 million people have no safe water, the UN said today.

How the spooks took over the news

February 11, 2008

Bush Sr. Buddies Arrested

And Here
And Here

Americans without a country
Definition of a patsy

Ever wonder why things are what they are?

Our current dilemma in society has not been created by incompetence, but by design. We are experiencing exactly what the committee of 300 wants us to experience. No surprises, no mysteries, just ubiquitous confusion, and a severely brainwashed society. Ah.. perfection!

Have you talked to anyone lately about anything besides the weather? Not only are we grossly misinformed and uniformed as a nation, but we are willfully ignorant to the point of absurdity.

We have become a nation of third graders in grown-up bodies.

We feel it's ok to proclaim a personal relationship with God, but fully support an illegal, unjustified war that has just finished killing over a million human beings. But please, don't show us the pictures. The irony is just too much.

Moreover, we have lowered ourselves to live at the lowest common denominator of existence. (eat, gotowork, eat, watch tv, gotobed, repeat). Nothing else matters except our ability to maintain our 7 or 8 things that define our lives as normal.

Our entire conceptual awareness stops at our immediate, visceral existence.

Higher level thinking is something Americans think they do when they're upstairs. Deep thinking is something Americans think they do when they're in the basement. And no thinking is something Americans do when they're on the main floor (which is most of the time).

February 10, 2008

February 5, 2008

Will the real Bin Laden, Please Stand Up

They say the first casualty of war is the truth. In the case of the present war, the truth died long before the first bombs fell and, like the slain soldier who is dragged through the streets and hung from a lamppost for passersby to jeer and gawk at, the truth continues to be slaughtered.

Did you hear something go boom?

Why I don't dig Digg
Thanks Rudy, Thanks George
Go Willy!
If you fly or vote, this is good
There are a lot of people who lie and get away with it - A+ (See this before they pull this off the net
Five telecom cables now cut, no coincidences here