April 28, 2008

from rense.com
A Carnival Of Madness
By Judith Moriarty 4-28-8

What is not being reported on the 'news' in the U.S., is the billion dollar walled 'embassy' (really a small town of several thousand) being constructed, which in reality, is the new headquarters for the 'oil ministry' - serving U.S. Oil conglomerates in the U.S. The 'Hydro-Carbon Law' - written here by U.S. energy interests, is the only holdup. The Iraqi people do not want their oil given away as war booty. Meantime, private equity firms, are investing in a huge Disney World theme park - outside the Green Zone. more
Mission: Kill Everybody

April 24, 2008

Lou Dobbs: The north american union - Canada, US, Mexico

April 22, 2008

From Clay and Iron

May 1st 2008 is a special day for Jesse C. Trentadue. This is the day he finds out if a Federal Judge permits an already mandated Video Deposition to take place of Terry Lynn Nichols.

In Feb 2007, Jesse C. Trentadue Attorney, spent one and one-half days with Terry Lynn Nichols, obtaining his deposition. In it, he stated that there were many other parties involved and that the operations were overseen by FBI. Jesse won a Federal injunction allowing a video deposition of Terry Lynn, but the US Dept of Prisons and FBI had filed motions to quash his video deposition of Terry. May 1st 2008 is May Day for the Old World Disorder, as this Video evidence will demand finally a Grand Jury, that will make complicit two and possibly three Presidencies, FBI, ATF, and US State's Attorney in Colorado, Arapahoe County Sherriff, and many more.


April 21, 2008

List of dead biologists read

Have you ever heard of Eugenics? read
From ICH: Truth as a Causality of War
"Just as the Wall is Called a Fence, So are the Mercenaries Called Contractors" By Dan Glazebrook

19/04/08 "PalestineChronicle" -- -Robert Fisk has a well-earned reputation as one of the most honest and hard hitting foreign correspondents in the British media. He has worked in Northern Ireland, where he exposed the presence of the SAS in the mid-1970s, as well as Bosnia, Palestine, Iraq, and Lebanon. It was here, as a witness to the immediate aftermath of the Israeli-organised Sabra and Shatila massacre of 2000 Palestinian refugees, that his journalism took on its current form: angry, passionate, and as he puts it "partial on the side of the victims"--a style of journalism which, unfortunately, is not shared by many of his colleagues in the profession. In the midst of a torrent of lies and propaganda emanating from our media about British and US policy on the Middle East, Fisk's writings are a breath of fresh air--although the hellish reality he depicts does not always make for pleasant reading. more

April 20, 2008

From Global Research: Bio-electromagnetic Weapons: The ultimate weapon
Electromagnetic weapons operate at the speed of light; they can kill, torture and enslave; but the public are largely unaware that they exist, because these weapons operate by stealth and leave no physical evidence. Electromagnetic weapons have been tested on human beings since 1976. By widely dispersing the involuntary human test-subjects, and vehemently attacking their credibility, it has been possible for the United States to proceed with these human experiments unhindered by discussions or criticisms, let alone opposition. more

April 18, 2008

From Thomas Pain's Corner
Paul Wellstone
Paul Wellstone spent 12 years as a “peoples’” Democratic Senator from Minnesota, courageously fighting for veterans, environmental protections, labor rights, campaign finance reform and better foreign policy, eventually becoming know as The Conscience of the Senate. Very early in his career,1991, at a White House reception for new members of Congress, Wellstone repeatedly told Bush Senior he should be more concerned about issues like education and health care. He also cautioned against the Persian Gulf “War”. President Bush was soon heard asking, “Who is this chickenshit?” Wellstone voted against that first invasion of Iraq. Near the end of his career, 9-11 spurred the already long-planned final invasion of Iraq. Just days before the vote in the Senate to authorize the invasion, Dick Cheney told Wellstone:

“If you vote against the war in Iraq, the Bush administration will do whatever is necessary to get you. There will be severe ramifications for you and the state of Minnesota.”

Two weeks after voting against the invasion, Paul Wellstone died in a plane crash, along with his wife Sheila, daughter Marcia, three campaign staffers and both pilots. CorpoGov lied extensively about weather conditions and pilot incompetence, until evidence became overwhelming that the plane had been brought down by electromagnetic weaponry few Americans even know about. Much of the truth is at: (4) http://www.oilempire.us/wellstone.html read whole article

April 16, 2008

From George Washington's Blog
Evidence is Growing: Continuity of Government Plan is Currently in Effect. read

From WRH: ACLU finds evidence of Illegal Torture and Murder by US. read
Anatomy of a 'terrorist plot'.
When you see the big headline that the "FBI Uncovers Massive Terrorist Plot", please remember this article. read The truth is, homeland and fbi have uncovered exactly ZERO valid 'Terrorist' plots since 2001. Here is another HUMOROUS attempt to frame Low IQ citizens for attempting to blow the Sears Tower!

April 7, 2008

Naomi Wolf, Talk on "The End of America"

April 2, 2008

You can't handle the truth! read
Two truths denied by nation and media: 1) Bush and Cheney are war criminals; 2) 911 was an inside job. In the meantime, unless something is done, Bush will have led this nation into another bloody, criminal war crime: an attack --possibly nuclear --upon Iran. It is the nature of evil that Bushco has compromised many otherwise good Americans now powerless to act because they have fallen into the spider's web. read

The real truth in Iraq

IRAQ: 'Handed Over' to a Government Called Sadr
By Ali al-Fadhily and Dahr Jamail*

BAGHDAD, Apr 2 (IPS) - Despite the huge media campaign led by U.S. officials and a complicit corporate-controlled media to convince the world of U.S. success in Iraq, emerging facts on the ground show massive failure.

The date March 25 of this year will be remembered as the day of truth through five years of occupation.

"Mehdi army militias controlled all Shia and mixed parts of Baghdad in no time," a Baghdad police colonel, speaking on condition of anonymity, told IPS. "Iraqi army and police forces as well as Badr and Dawa militias suddenly disappeared from the streets, leaving their armoured vehicles for Mehdi militiamen to drive around in joyful convoys that toured many parts of Baghdad before taking them to their stronghold of Sadr City in the east of Baghdad." more

April 1, 2008

Those unappreciative Iraqis!

I'm simply flabbergasted that the Iraqi people are not more appreciative of the US contribution to their cultural and economic development. Haven't they seen how much money we've spent since 2003 (almost 1 TRILLION). Haven't they seen all the stuff we've shipped over, how many tons of cement we've poured in their 8 foot high barriers and prison... i mean "protected" cities. We've spent 1/2 BILLION just on the US embassy ALONE! (Let's not mention that we can't move into it yet due to shoddy construction.) Anyway, for the rest of the story, read this