From Thomas Pain's Corner
Paul WellstonePaul Wellstone spent 12 years as a “peoples’” Democratic Senator from Minnesota, courageously fighting for veterans, environmental protections, labor rights, campaign finance reform and better foreign policy, eventually becoming know as The Conscience of the Senate. Very early in his career,1991, at a White House reception for new members of Congress, Wellstone repeatedly told Bush Senior he should be more concerned about issues like education and health care. He also cautioned against the Persian Gulf “War”. President Bush was soon heard asking, “Who is this chickenshit?” Wellstone voted against that first invasion of Iraq. Near the end of his career, 9-11 spurred the already long-planned final invasion of Iraq. Just days before the vote in the Senate to authorize the invasion, Dick Cheney told Wellstone:
“If you vote against the war in Iraq, the Bush administration will do whatever is necessary to get you. There will be severe ramifications for you and the state of Minnesota.”
Two weeks after voting against the invasion, Paul Wellstone died in a plane crash, along with his wife Sheila, daughter Marcia, three campaign staffers and both pilots. CorpoGov lied extensively about weather conditions and pilot incompetence, until evidence became overwhelming that the plane had been brought down by
electromagnetic weaponry few Americans even know about. Much of the truth is at: (4) read whole article