March 24, 2008

The real US death toll
        I hate to say it, but we have to be REALLY gullible to believe that the death toll for American combat troops in IRAQ is only 4,000. If we know anything from past wars, we should understand that every conflict has been shaped to show the appropriate amount of casualties for maximum political gain. This is no different.
        The Project on Defense Alternatives states that the Iraq war is being managed by a 'Perception Team' that seeks to innoculate US citizens against even CARING about the human toll. This program also seeks to provide the impression that this war is bloodless and precision effective, producing very few casualties.
        Most of us have read previous instances of data being "cherry picked" by the armed forces to advance the war. It makes sense that the death counts in Iraq are also being tabulated by very strict, favorable guidelines. I.E. Only those soldiers actively participating and dying in a "properly engaged" warfare battle may be counted, but those who die after the same battle on their way to the hospital are counted as "non warfare related". Are they counting death by depleted uranium? How about suicide bombings? Does incidental death while serving in Iraq count? How about friendly fire?
        Ask yourself, how can OUR numbers POSSIBLY be so low, when we have documented proof that over 1.1 MILLION Iraq citizens are dead? Are we just lucky? Are we just good shots? Do we have better armor? Whatever excuse is being made to defend these INCREDIBLY low numbers does not mean we need to simply hand over our common sense without questioning the absurdity of the statement. The numbers simply don't make sense.

Below is a more realistic take on our casualities.

Over 70,000 deaths, and over 1 million disabilities among American soldiers attributed to Iraq Wars says U.S. government data read and another

Also remember, we are not even including the high number of VETERAN SUICIDES that are occuring on the order of 400 per month! (over 6,256 by 2005!) read

March 23, 2008

US Plans to be in Iraq forever

Part 2
Watch those flourescent lights read
Compact fluorescent light bulbs, long touted by environmentalists as a more efficient and longer-lasting alternative to the incandescent bulbs that have lighted homes for more than a century, are running into resistance from waste industry officials and some environmental scientists, who warn that the bulbs’ poisonous innards pose a bigger threat to health and the environment than previously thought.

Put Impeachment back on the table view

March 21, 2008

American Economic Refugees fleeing to Canada! more
In September of 2007, the city of Windsor, which borders the United States, officially asked for financial assistance from Ottawa to deal with American refugees flooding into Canada. This is proving to be the tip of the iceberg, and only the first wave of economic refugees that have been created in the United States.

There are now tent cities being built outside most large metropolitan areas, one of the largest of which is in Los Angeles. The following report from the BBC highlights the consequence of the US subprime meltdown and the fears that the crisis is growing. > more

Blackwater 'Blood Money' Angers Iraqis

ABC News

At least two Iraqi families of victims killed by Blackwater security guards in September tell ABC News they have refused compensation offered by the company.

The father of a 9-year-old boy, who says his son was one of the 17 civilians killed when Blackwater guards, escorting a diplomatic convoy, opened fire at Baghdad's Nisour Square on Sept. 16, says he is trying to file a lawsuit against the company. He told that Blackwater offered him $20,000 through an Iraqi prosecutor, but he refused the money.

Another Iraqi who lost both his wife and son in the incident says he too has refused the company's offer of compensation of $20,000 for each victim.

March 20, 2008

Iraq War 2008
From Rense: 70% Iraqis want US out of of Iraq read
Independent: The only lesson we learn is that we never learn read
Alternet: Five Years After, Why Did we Do it? Read
Independent: War started with lies, and continues with lies read
WRH: 'Osama bin dead' for 6 years read

New Army Mule

New Taser Weapons

Nano Technology

Most Deadly Military Shotgun

March 18, 2008

JFK Zapruder Film: Watch the Driver, Watch the Driver

Again Point Blank Range
IRAQ was better off with Saddam read
How to become a concentration camp guard at GITMO read
How many prostitutes is Bush Responsible for? read
From Huffington
There are worms in my water! read
Afer 5 years of liberation, what can we show? read

March 17, 2008

The fascist state

March 16, 2008

Torture Surge Failing
Sir, we have conducted an exhaustive investigation into who has been committing international crimes, ignoring the Geneva convention, ignoring UN oversight, kidnapping people off the street and taking them to foreign prisons without trial or due process, who has been committing atrocities of prolonged torture and imprisonment, who has invaded foreign lands without provocation, and who has committed blatant false flag operations in order to decimate human and civil rights within their country.

Is this the country we want God to bless? Where are the so called Christians, and the so called religious people? How is it ok to support a government who lies, tortures, kills, maims, unlawfully imprisons, but become morally outraged when someone hires a prostitute?

Oh you say, the guy that hired the prostitute is HYPOCRITICAL. He prosecuted people for the same crime that he committed. That's WAY worse than killing 1.2 MILLION people, spending 3 TRILLION dollars on an unjust war. That's WAY worse than sending 100,000 kids INTO prostitution because we KILLED their parents, or blew up their homes. That's WAY worse than turning a country into a massive GULAG surrounded 100 miles of raw sewage big enough to see from outer space.

Who are the hypocrites here? When we Americans wake up from la la land and judge criminal actions with the same yardstick, I will have more respect for us. Right now, we just want to suck on our strawberry preserves and our toast, and hope the horror of these crimes don't interrupt our 'Big Bonzo' wresting match on TV.

BTW from Rense: Here's the real story on Spitzer read

March 13, 2008

Taxi to the Dark side: Every American should see this
From Unknown News:
Bush Approved plot to oust Hamas

Excerpt: The documents, which have been corroborated by sources at the US State Department and Palestinian officials, reveal that the plan was supposed to be implemented by the State Department.

The report confirms allegations by Hamas and other Palestinians that the US has been supplying Fatah with weapons and money so that its forces could bring down the Hamas government. Some senior Fatah officials have also accused the US of "meddling" in Palestinian affairs by encouraging Fatah to work toward toppling the Hamas government. ...Following Hamas's victory, "everyone blamed everyone else," the report quotes an official with the Department of Defense as saying. "We sat there in the Pentagon and said, "Who the f*** recommended this?"
From Alternet: Appalling Spread of False Information read
It's that "Oh Shit!" moment for Iran. read
From WRH: 1) 6 Signs we're headed for Iran War read
2) No links between IRAQ and Al-Qaeda read and here
Basically, the president can do as he damn well pleases read

March 12, 2008

Zombie Nation
Why Torture made me leave the AMA. read
McCain Babbles read

March 11, 2008

After an exhaustive investigation, NO link found between Saddam and Al Qaeda. You know Al Qaeda, the fake CIA organization... More
CIA Operatives Admit Al-qaeda Is a Complete Fabrication Here

March 10, 2008

Our leadership and politicians have really screwed things up this time! more.. Bush thinks we are idiots! Read

March 9, 2008

Rolling Stone -
"The only reason anything works or anybody deals with us is because we give them money," says a young Army intelligence officer. More

Alternet -
Here is what the IRAQ vets are saying about the standard operating procedure of violence placed on IRAQ citizens.

How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?


"There is no Iraq to return to, my friend. Iraq only exists in our dreams and memories." Most, like Alwan, do not intend to return.

"I shall never return to Iraq until the last American soldier and Iranian mullah leaves," Alwan says. "It is their country now, not ours. The only thing that might take me back is when I decide to fight for Iraq's real liberty." more..
From Rense: Admiral Fallon said that an attack on IRAN would never occur on his watch. Precisely why Bush wants him out. read

March 7, 2008

CIA Operatives Admit Al-qaeda Is a Complete Fabrication Here
ILWU to Shut Down West Coast Ports May 1 Demanding End to War. Here

Poll: Over 50% of Americans don't trust the news. Here's why.
Lou Dobbs: New World Order Can Be Defeated, if WE WAKE UP! Here

March 6, 2008

Save the puppies!
It appears that puppy abuse is the only circumstance able to stir the morality of an otherwise war-numbed nation. All the combined egregious acts of the Bush administration which have failed to coax us from blissful hibernation are trumped by our innate humanity to "save the puppies"!

Because of our nation's excellent behavioral conditioning program, it's becomes sadly predictable how human empathy remains asleep for a seven-year-old innocent maimed for life by war, but how moral senses awaken when a homeless dog is placed in jeopardy.

So thank God for the puppies! If it were not for them, we may never have known anything was amiss! And all because of a loophole in the mass-media's reality-altering-conditioning program. For all things important it has inverted our thinking without us even knowing. What was up is down, and what was down is up. The program can (and has) replaced all of our behavioral / emotional responses to permit the administration every atrocity and every act of destruction it wishes while receiving our blessing to boot.

Since the mass media hasn't (yet) desensitized us to the utter horror of an unloved puppy, gerbil, cat, parakeet, or pet rock, we can make THIS our moral firewall. We can let THIS be our point of supreme outrage.

Repeat after me..


Here are some graphic puppy abuse videos.
Fox News Hysterically Hypes New York 'Blast'

It's Official: Congress Irrelevant

From the Army Times

Iran 'Evidence' on their nukes suspicious

From Citizens for Legitimate Government
Bush / Mossad seem to have planted evidence on Iran Nukes

Ahmadinejad welcomed heartily in Iraq --Unlike Mr. Bush's cloak-and-dagger visits here -- fly-in trips to heavily guarded U.S. military bases that only last a few hours, often with no advance notice given to even the Iraqi government -- Mr. Ahmadinejad's schedule was announced days earlier. 02 Mar 2008 It's a damning indication of how poorly things have gone for the United States during its five-year misadventure in Iraq that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad can drive in broad daylight though this war-ravaged city and spend the night at the presidential palace, but George W. Bush can't. Mr. Ahmadinejad was greeted with lavish ceremony yesterday as he became the first Iranian President to visit Baghdad, a trip some said reflected Iran's great and growing power in Iraq and how severely the U.S. effort to remake Iraq into a Western-friendly democracy has gone awry. Nearly 4,000 American soldiers have died since the war began in 2003, but Iraq's U.S.-backed government warmly welcomed Washington's No. 1 enemy with flowers and a band. [LOL! Gee, remember when Dick Cheney said we'd be being greeted with 'flowers' after 'liberating' Iraq? Well, looks like he was half-right --someone *was* greeted with flowers! --Lori Price]

March 5, 2008

Lies and more lies

From What Really

A Lie of Historic Proportions
The evidence is overwhelming, compelling, and alarming that George and his indecent bandits traitorously had intelligence fabricated to fit their goal of invading Iraq. The criminals foisted a Lie of Historic Proportions on the world. It was clear to many of us more aware people that George, Condi, Rummy, the two Dicks: Cheney and Perle, Wolfie, and most effectively and treacherously, Colin Powell, lied their brains out before the invasion. The world was even shown where the WMD'S were on the map. We were told that the “smoking gun” could come at any time in the form of a “mushroom cloud” or a cloud of toxic biological or chemical weapons. Does anyone remember duct tape and plastic sheeting?
Posted Mar 5, 2008 04:42 PM PST
Category: IRAQ

All wars are started with lies. Hitler told the German people that Poland had attacked Germany in order to trick them into invading first. FDR provoked the Japanese into the attack on Pearl Harbor then acted like it was a total surprise to trick America into WW2. Israel claimed Egypt was about to attack them in 1956, and (using the Soviet invasion of Hungary as a distraction in the media) invaded the Sinai.

So, all wars of conquest begin with lies. History proves that. Indeed it is hard to find a single war where those that started the war did not resort to lies to get things going.

What makes this different is that in the age of the Internet, the lie has been forced into the light while the war itself is still ongoing. And THAT is what makes this lie historic. The lies and liars stand exposed while the war started with theirlies is still killing and crippling our young men and women in uniform. The consequences of the lies are still before us in those flag-draped coffins the liars have tried so hard to conceal from us.

The Constitution of the United States does not authorize the government to lie to the people and the Tenth Amendment prohibits the government from arrogating that right to itself. Therefore, the moment the Bush administration lied to the people and to the Congress, they acted unconstitutionally, and illegally. Bush's lies that sent our kids off to be killed and crippled in a war of conquest are not only illegal, they cast doubt on the very legitimacy of a government that failed to act to safeguard the people from those lies.

Perpetual War

How never to withdraw from IRAQ

Wars generally do not resolve the problems for which they are fought and therefore...prove ultimately futile.
– Pope John Paul II

Choice: Prisons or education

US Spends 6 Times More On Prisons than Education

CNN Warns of a severe recession

from WhatReallyHappened.Com

CNN Warns Americans A New Great Depression Is Coming

An economy survives and prospers when the money circulates around, creating products that sell to generate more revenue.

In contrast, money taken out of the economy and poured into weapons development is "dead ended." The weapons either sit in storage until they become obsolete and are junked (which costs money to do) or used in war where they are destroyed. In neither case so these expensive devices create products that we can sell to bring more money into the system.

When too much money is dead ended in weapons, too little remains in general circulation to support the society and the infrastructure on which it depends. The economy and that society stutter to a halt, after having suffered through cheapened roads, cheapened schools, cheapened hospitals, etc.

The USSR collapsed when military spending choked the life out of their economy. Why the US Government persists in making the same mistake is a mystery.

March 4, 2008

Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History

Weather Channel Founder: Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’
It is the greatest scam in history. I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it. Global Warming; It is a SCAM. Some dastardly scientists with environmental and political motives manipulated long term scientific data to create an illusion of rapid global warming. Other scientists of the same environmental whacko type jumped into the circle to support and broaden the “research” to further enhance the totally slanted, bogus global warming claims. Their friends in government steered huge research grants their way to keep the movement going. Soon they claimed to be a consensus.

Go Vermont!

Vermont Towns vote to indict Bush/Cheney

Remember FBI on Record: No Hard Evidence

FBI goes on record: No hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 911

March 2, 2008

50% Look to Internet for News

Network News leaves a lot to be desired...(the Truth for instance!)

Is 7 Trillion a lot?

From What Really
Iraq war may cost US USD 7 trillion

Governement is the most expensive thing we pay for. And what do we get for the money? Crumbling roads, poor schools, closed emergency rooms, poor medical care, the hatred and contempt of the entire world. and big shiny bombs.