The real US death toll
        I hate to say it, but we have to be REALLY gullible to believe that the death toll for American combat troops in IRAQ is only 4,000. If we know anything from past wars, we should understand that every conflict has been shaped to show the appropriate amount of casualties for maximum political gain. This is no different.
        The Project on Defense Alternatives states that the Iraq war is being managed by a 'Perception Team' that seeks to innoculate US citizens against even CARING about the human toll. This program also seeks to provide the impression that this war is bloodless and precision effective, producing very few casualties.
        Most of us have read previous instances of data being "cherry picked" by the armed forces to advance the war. It makes sense that the death counts in Iraq are also being tabulated by very strict, favorable guidelines. I.E. Only those soldiers actively participating and dying in a "properly engaged" warfare battle may be counted, but those who die after the same battle on their way to the hospital are counted as "non warfare related". Are they counting death by depleted uranium? How about suicide bombings? Does incidental death while serving in Iraq count? How about friendly fire?
        Ask yourself, how can OUR numbers POSSIBLY be so low, when we have documented proof that over 1.1 MILLION Iraq citizens are dead? Are we just lucky? Are we just good shots? Do we have better armor? Whatever excuse is being made to defend these INCREDIBLY low numbers does not mean we need to simply hand over our common sense without questioning the absurdity of the statement. The numbers simply don't make sense.
Below is a more realistic take on our casualities.
Over 70,000 deaths, and over 1 million disabilities among American soldiers attributed to Iraq Wars says U.S. government data read and another
Also remember, we are not even including the high number of VETERAN SUICIDES that are occuring on the order of 400 per month! (over 6,256 by 2005!) read